Sunday, December 15, 2019

Some things

David is progressing at the speed of light. He is super conscience about putting things in their proper place and throwing things away in the trash. I am unsure if this is a good sign or a sure fire way to OCD, but it is cute in the meantime.  I'm pretty sure he understands everything that comes our of our mouths. He loves cars and makes a trilling noice whenever he sees them outside or in his books. Bow wow is becoming a thing when he hears a dog bark and is a pro at "uh oh". He refuses to drink out of anything but his very own cup, because he is pretty much a man now.

I am still catching up on the photo game. A lot of these are from November when it was still fall. Winter is here in its dark and rainy glory (note to self, must hang Christmas lights to brighten things up a bit).

Baby eyes and a baby  mullet


 He ALWAYS manages to end up with one sock

Davy was here

Our sweet pups, who haven't had near the amount of attention they deserve lately


Cozy mornings

Newton for approximately 20 hours a day

"Is it time to eat yet?"


Zoom zoom


Another note to self- but mistletoe soon, preferably from this man

The latest episode of "I prefer to be naked"


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