Sunday, November 10, 2019

So, back to the regularly scheduled programming, aka, pictures of David.

Blowing kisses at everyone and everything. He blows kisses at passing cars, dirty diapers, the dogs, strangers.

Kissing- Dad gets at least five kisses before he leaves for work every morning, then the dogs get several hundred a day.

 Imitating everything- When I laugh my big, obnoxious laugh he opens his mouth as wide as he can while smiling the same time and lets out a "ha". When I pick up the dog poo on our walks I say "stinky" and he waves a hand in front of his face.

Cleaning: He insists on picking up the dog bowls when the boys are finished eating, he also loves making sure his diapers and wipes are put away after a change.

Dancing: he stands quietly while he listens to a tune to check the beat, and then he lets it all go, arms windmilling, head bopping and knees bouncing.

I need to give this guy a haircut

Frolic worthy

My life is so full


I didn't want to spend a lot on Halloween. We had cardboard, tin foil and tape, so Davy was a shooting star.

The half tin foil, half tape design was not me being artistic, I just ran out of tape.

Davy and Daddy, a Halloween wresting match



Davy:1 Daddy:0


Making sweet eyes at me before he rips off his diaper

It takes approximately a half hour to walk 10 feet these days

1 comment:

  1. of love and appreciate for the "small" things. Mama
