I feel like I am doing my best to keep up with our little man. He is on. the.go. We are wondering when the walking is going to kick in, he loves standing but also likes getting where he wants to go quickly, so he opts for his turbo crawling rather than take the slower way.
Davy is more and more interested in the dogs and likes to exclaim "da" every time we see one in town, or when the dogs are in a separate room he calls "da!"
He likes most anything we give him to eat and tries to secretly feed the dogs (he knows he's not supposed to) by slipping them food underneath his highchair. His other obsession is the roomba and chases it around turning it on and off with his nose...for some reason. He loves when we plug it in so it can "sleep". I can't believe how much he is picking up just from watching us around the house. He has figured out how to open the car doors and how to turn on his bath water. He also loves hiding things under his nursery chair and the couch. He actually helps me with the laundry, loading clothes into the washer, and then the dryer.
Davy is more and more interested in the dogs and likes to exclaim "da" every time we see one in town, or when the dogs are in a separate room he calls "da!"
He likes most anything we give him to eat and tries to secretly feed the dogs (he knows he's not supposed to) by slipping them food underneath his highchair. His other obsession is the roomba and chases it around turning it on and off with his nose...for some reason. He loves when we plug it in so it can "sleep". I can't believe how much he is picking up just from watching us around the house. He has figured out how to open the car doors and how to turn on his bath water. He also loves hiding things under his nursery chair and the couch. He actually helps me with the laundry, loading clothes into the washer, and then the dryer.
I had to lay down this chair to keep him from zooming off while i'm trying to cook dinner
He also entertains me with the chicken dance
A happy boy with both of his "da's"
Standing machine, and some dance moves
"See" food
We are still enjoying our little garden
It has been so lovely slowly making some changes to our home, we finally put up some curtains! Davy was obsessed with the tools and really liked helping dad put them away.
I think I should find out what grape variety since it is so close to us
Love thy self
Grocery buddy
The curtains need some hemming, but in the meantime...peek-a-boo for days
"I see you!"
Bath time is still a favorite
Sunday walk and discovering the softness of moss
Daddy's head is his favorite drum in town
I am completely content when I watch these two together
Wine wine wine wine
Our beloved Arlesheim
This seems to be a thing with him, one sock or one shoe
Life is good
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