Tuesday, June 25, 2019

David's first trip to the States was full of surprises, including snow, and a flood and a dose of the plague. It was also full of lifelong memories. Introducing Davy to his grandfather was something I have been looking forward to for a long time. It was also wonderful to visit Lauren in Boise, and see Grandma and Grandpa Tyrrell at the cabin. So now here are a million photos from the trip.

I was nervous about the long flight, but Davy did great, he didn't cry once was hamming it up with the flight attendants.

This needed airing out after a 10 hour flight

Travel buddies


I have been waiting for these to to meet for a long time...

"I got this"

"Look how cool I am, Chief"


It was so wonderful waking up in the morning to warm hugs, coffee and a time to sit together and talk, I will miss this time of day most of all.

7 am

8 am


Meeting new friends, Ken was actually in Germany visiting when I went into labor

We were able to celebrate both Lauren's and Zach's birthdays

Oh, how I love these three


These two...


First time on the swing

We went to Narnia, aka the Bighorn Mountains

Narnian Beasts

This blew his mind

My Davids

Now that's more like it

We were two weeks without Papa, it was glorious to be reunited, we missed him so much

A couple margarita's in

Only missing Alex and Simon, we miss this family so much

Jet lag forever

I love this little nugget sprinting towards me





I feel bad that I didn't get to take as many pictures while were at the cabin, but we were so sick.

He was into the blocks, we would make him towers and he would ever so gently take it down from the top down

Probably talking about thermo dynamics


Grillin' brats

The right of passage ride on the bar stool

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