Cannot believe that our little one turned 6 months. Time seems to be speeding up, I feel so lucky that I am able to be home with him every single day.
He is such a squirm worm. This has proven interesting when changing his diaper, we have to HOLD him down or he will flip and squirm away. Zach actually had him hanging in the air upside down at one point.
He is army crawling all over the place, this has changed my day a lot! I am constantly on the watch, and why is it that they forgo their toys and only want to eat the vacuum cord, the roomba and drink from the dog bowl?
I am so happy to say that this little love has started sleeping through the night. After getting more and more frustrated with our night time eating schedule we tried the Ferber method and within two nights he stopped crying and slept 13 hours! The crying is so hard, but really glad we tried it!
So, first solid food.....carrot puree. Was interesting, but he seemed to be undecided if it was good or bad. I am NOT looking forward to seeing what is in his diaper tomorrow...
In other news
Carnival is in full swing here and the Swiss have a tradition of using huge masks, marching bands and confetti.
Grandma and Grandpa Tyrrell arrive this weekend and will meet their grandson for the first time!
It has been wonderful having a car. We tried to go up to the Alps last weekend. Between a crying baby and forgetting the right shoes we just turned around and came home, you can't win them all.
So, not that this is anything new, but here are about a million pictures of our David.
Sunday Lunch
Our first "trip" to the Alps. Of course he is all smiles after we get him out of his carseat.
This was Zach's University of Wyoming sweater when he was Davy's age
6 month photo shoot
Bubble hat
Around Arlesheim
Ready for his first food...
OH MY. What a happy baby and what lucky parents!!!