Wednesday, April 13, 2016


This blog has been great over the past few years to reach out to friends and family while we have been out and about, away from home. Sometimes it is hard for me to think of anything interesting to say, so I just post photos, but sometimes I have typing diarrhea, and my posts seem randomly patched together, and full of seemingly random information. Today, my friends, is one of those days. At least this "all over the place" theme seems to be a true reflection of this entire experience, sometimes you feel like you have your shit together and other times you are just holding on by the hairs on your chinny- chin-chin. So apologies for this ramble of a blog, with random info and facts that seemed  interesting to me at the time.

We have been working on getting our deck ready for the nicer weather. We got some plants and a small table outside of the kitchen door for us to have breakfast. I'm surprisingly excited about the prospect of gardening, which is new. Wish  me luck.....

Other random news/observations around here include:

For the first time since 1945, Germany released "Mein Kampf" for publication here in Germany

A new restaurant opened down the road from us that we are eager to try...

Germany is leading the way in self-driving cars, some of which are now being road-tested on the Autobahn

The light pink magnolia trees are out in force, and I love it

We are now learning the Tango, and it's hilarious

Lots of refugees on bikes



  1. Hi Anna, Your Mom shared your blog with me and I love it. You share the most wonderful pictures! Some of them seem so familiar to me from our time in Europe and visits to Germany. What a great adventure for you both.
    Have fun!
    When we lived in the UK I took German and tried speaking it whenever we were there, but the German's are so fluent in English they usually didn't give me much chance to practice.
    I love your spring pictures and have memories of similar landscapes.

  2. Hi Judy!

    Thanks so much for your sweet words! We love it here and if you ever decide to come back and visit please look us up! Hope you are having a marvelous Spring!

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