Saturday, March 28, 2015

Long Overdue Picture Update

Whew, well, I haven't posted photos since early February, so I made a point to take my camera on a walk today. It is too nice here. I mean it, too nice, too soon. We need more rain, I am afraid that we are going to be a dry as a saltine cracker by June. I can't believe that there are blossoms on the trees already, for a Wyoming girl this is weird. 

The street car construction is still as disruptive as ever, I think I am immune to the sound of a jackhammer by now. The poo part is that it won't be finished by the time we leave, so the remaining months on our beloved Delaware Street are going to be noisy and full of orange cones.

Things have been going in fast forward mode ever since we left for our vacation in late February. Zach has been super busy since his return, and I have been steadily working on commissions and Christmas ornament designs for a company, the days are shooting by. So enough babble babble, here are a few pictures of the Tyrrell clan.

Tiny buds

My reading chair view

Trying to get the ideas flowing

Not so tiny buds

Homemade yumminess

This guy recovering from a seven hour time change

This guy following me around after a rainy run

 Peeping in my windows on a walk

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