Saturday, April 23, 2016

This, That, and the Other

Well, the big news here is that Zach passed his driving exam, and on the first try too! I am so proud, and so relieved that I didn't actually have to take it. We had to send in some special paper work to be able to keep our American drivers licences, and thank goodness that came through. All of our paperwork had to go through the German equivalent of the FBI before we could be granted a German license. This is 6 months in the making, and had by far the most flaming hoops to jump through. Now we are just waiting for our physical copies!

I love how longer days give you the feeling that you actually have more time in a day. Now, when Zach gets home from work, we go for runs together, and we make and eat dinner before it even gets dark outside. I love that. Our living, kitchen, and dining rooms face due West, so we have some really intense afternoon and evening light. I love cooking with the door open to the porch so the dogs can come and go whenever they like. Having an outdoor space for them has literally changed my life; I sometimes wonder how I did two years of two dogs in a tiny, one-room downtown apartment.

This place has really come to life for us. Our little "community" in our building really utilize their outdoor space. You are always saying a friendly Guten Tag! and having a nice little conversation. It's as if has come out of winter hibernation and is ready to live a little. Germans really like to use their grills, usually for bratwurst, but right now, they are really into hamburgers. They are the "hip" thing here, which is humorous and delicious at the same time. For us, we have yet to purchase a "barbecue" of our own here, and so I am getting antsy for some grilled meat and pineapple. Soon...

Spring is out, and it is fabulous. I never get tired of the absolutely amazing blooms and smells. In keeping with the outdoor theme above, the Germans love their gardens. Even if they just have space for window boxes, they go all out. This makes walking around town a real treat, all the windows and tiny lawns are perfectly manicured and covered with jewel colored flowers and shrubs, they make it look easy. While on the topic of flowers, all the plants I purchased the last couple of weeks are still alive as of today. This. Is. A. Big. Deal. I am hoping that next blog I can write the same thing...

But no matter how lovely the German gardens are, nature always seems to win in the end...

Zach has officially dubbed these "Stawberry Ice Cream Trees"

We just can't stay away from one another, even for one picture

Best thing about the warming weather? Outdoor eating

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